Sep 6Liked by Sarah Thankam Mathews

Sarah! I read the Lithub article yesterday and fully agreed with the description of your Substack as "frank and genuine" and "heart-forward" (your discussion here on elite activism and political organizing in 2024 is one I think about a lot; you really captured both the emotionally dispiriting nature of being left-leaning/leftist right now, and offered such usefully tactical ways of moving forward https://smathewss.substack.com/p/the-context-and-the-coconut-tree)β€”

β€”and it was such a surprise and a pleasure to read thot pudding today and see you mention my newsletter! Thank you for reading (and I'm so happy to be reading YOUR writing too!)

I'm excited to start reading your Garth Greenwell profile as well, and I love that it opens with you and Greenwell grocery shopping, one of the greatest ordinary activities of life imo

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Sep 6Liked by Sarah Thankam Mathews

I'm here for the heart-forward ruminating <3

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Gorgeous writing. My parents have morning glories that grow and vine their way over their porch each summer, and although it's a weed it always felt like a small extravagance in a place of poverty. Still love seeing that shade of purple <3

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Sep 4Liked by Sarah Thankam Mathews

Really, really lovely post Sarah. Thank you for sharing.

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thank you so much <3

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Aye, I obsessively plucked the baby morning glories this spring and early summer in the garden in an effort to avoid the late summer chokehold. Still, we kept some around for the pollinators and I’m enjoying watching them open and close right the day. :)

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